
This region is just before the top search and filters bar. Press Tab to continue.
This region is just before the group type filters. Press Tab to continue.
This region is just before the group list results. Press Tab to continue.
  • Active Minds

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Celia Mauri

    Active Minds has a total of 130 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • African Student Association

    Graduate Student Organization - Cultural

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    African Student Association has a total of 50 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Epsilon Delta

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Service, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Alpha Epsilon Delta has a total of 25 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has a total of 20 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Phi Omega

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Service, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Maggie Neumann

    Alpha Phi Omega has a total of 4174 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Phi Sorority

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Alpha Phi Sorority has a total of 815 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Alpha Sigma Phi

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Alpha Sigma Phi has a total of 65 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • American Chemical Society

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    American Chemical Society has a total of 120 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Stephanie Helmy

    American Institute of Chemical Engineers has a total of 175 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • American Nuclear Society: Stevens Chapter

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    American Nuclear Society: Stevens Chapter has a total of 141 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • American Society for Engineering Management

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Kirsten Stepien

    American Society for Engineering Management has a total of 21 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • American Society of Civil Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Faith Macchione

    American Society of Civil Engineers has a total of 104 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: James Johnson

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers has a total of 212 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Anime Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Elliot Niemann

    Anime Club has a total of 560 points.

    Lifetime membership

    Redirection arrow

    Castle Point Anime Convention

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Non-Recognized Student Organization, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Jason Brennan

    Castle Point Anime Convention has a total of 549 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Art Installations Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Arts & Music, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Art Installations Club has a total of 125 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Association of Latino Professionals for America

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Camila Crespo

    Association of Latino Professionals for America has a total of 187 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Athletics

    Campus Resources


    Athletics has a total of 75 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Audio Engineering Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Academic, Arts & Music, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Audio Engineering Club has a total of 185 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Badminton Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Recreational/Sports, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Badminton Club has a total of 1093 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Bangladeshi Student Association at Stevens

    Graduate Student Organization - Cultural


    Contact: Moh Khalid Hasan

    Bangladeshi Student Association at Stevens has a total of 62 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Beta Theta Pi

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority


    Beta Theta Pi has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Biomedical Engineering Society

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Biomedical Engineering Society has a total of 70 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Black Student Union

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Moyosola Omole

    Black Student Union has a total of 474 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Blueprint

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Media

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Blueprint has a total of 899 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Bowling Alley

    Campus Resources - Special Interest, Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Bowling Alley has a total of 200 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Business Doctoral Students Association

    Graduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission

    Business Doctoral Students Association has a total of 62 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Business Intelligence & Analytics Club

    Graduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Somendra Singh

    Business Intelligence & Analytics Club has a total of 278 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Campus Recreation

    Campus Resources - Recreational/Sports


    Lifetime membership

  • Castle Point Anime Convention

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Non-Recognized Student Organization, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Jason Brennan

    Castle Point Anime Convention has a total of 549 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Center for Entrepreneurship Education

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Center for Entrepreneurship Education has a total of 27 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Charles V. Schaefer School of Engineering & Science

    Academic Department - Academic

    Website Mission

    Charles V. Schaefer School of Engineering & Science has a total of 70 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission

    Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society has a total of 10 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Chi Phi Fraternity

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Chi Phi Fraternity has a total of 125 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Chi Psi Fraternity (Lodge)

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Chi Psi Fraternity (Lodge) has a total of 305 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Chinese Scholar Student Association

    Graduate Student Organization - Cultural


    Contact: Mei Xu

    Chinese Scholar Student Association has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Chinese Student Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Chinese Student Association has a total of 554 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Climbing

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Climbing

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Climbing has a total of 15 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Club Baseball

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Club Bowling

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports


    Contact: Joel Simon

    Lifetime membership

  • College Democrats of Stevens

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    College Democrats of Stevens has a total of 71 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • ColorStack

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional


    Lifetime membership

  • Committee of Student Interest

    Undergraduate Committee


    Committee of Student Interest has a total of 4 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Commuter Student Union

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Commuter Student Union has a total of 121 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Computer and Console Gaming Society

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Electronics & Gaming, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Computer and Console Gaming Society has a total of 865 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Counseling and Psychological Services

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Counseling and Psychological Services has a total of 245 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Culinary Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Culinary Club has a total of 25 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Cultural Greek Council

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, FSL Council

    Website Mission

    Cultural Greek Council has a total of 60 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • DeBaun Performing Arts Center

    Campus Resources - Arts & Music


    Lifetime membership

  • Delta Phi Epsilon

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Delta Phi Epsilon has a total of 370 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Rho Chapter

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Rho Chapter has a total of 27 points.

    Group password:

    Lifetime membership

  • Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering

    Academic Department

    Website Mission

    Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering has a total of 112 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Department of Systems & Enterprises

    Academic Department - Academic

    Website Mission

    Department of Systems & Enterprises has a total of 40 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Development & Alumni Engagement

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Development & Alumni Engagement has a total of 10 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility Committee

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based, SGA Committee

    Website Mission

    Contact: Shahd Ibrahim

    Group Not Registered Yet

    Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility Committee has a total of 55 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Division of Information Technology

    Campus Resources


    Division of Information Technology has a total of 37 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Ducks 4 Democracy Initiative

    Undergraduate Student Resources - Service

    Website Mission

    Ducks 4 Democracy Initiative has a total of 40 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Engineers Without Borders

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Service, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Engineers Without Borders has a total of 995 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • English Language Communications

    Campus Resources - Academic, Cultural


    Contact: Samaneh Jafari

    English Language Communications has a total of 85 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Entertainment Committee

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Breona Pizzuta

    Entertainment Committee has a total of 854 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Ethnic Student Council

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Ethnic Student Council has a total of 400 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • ESC
    Redirection arrow

    Japanese Student Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Japanese Student Association has a total of 413 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Family Day 2024

    Undergraduate Student Resources - Campus Committee


    Family Day 2024 has a total of 181 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Fashion Association of Marketing and Entrepreneurship

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Diego Ramirez

    Fashion Association of Marketing and Entrepreneurship has a total of 144 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Filipino Association of Stevens Tech

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Filipino Association of Stevens Tech has a total of 920 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • FLI Network

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Contact: Liliana Delman

    FLI Network has a total of 65 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Fraternity + Sorority Life

    Undergraduate Student Resources

    Website Mission

    Fraternity + Sorority Life has a total of 124 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • FYE - PRV101-N4

    Undergraduate Student Resources


    FYE - PRV101-N4 has a total of 126 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Gear & Triangle Society

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Service, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Gear & Triangle Society has a total of 119 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Badminton Club

    Graduate Student Organization - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Graduate Badminton Club has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Biomedical Engineering Society

    Graduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Graduate Biomedical Engineering Society has a total of 143 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Club Officers

    Graduate Student Organization - Governance

    Website Mission

    Graduate Club Officers has a total of 116 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Consulting Club

    Graduate Student Organization - Professional, Academic

    Website Mission

    Graduate Consulting Club has a total of 146 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Physics Club

    Graduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Fnu Pankaj

    Graduate Physics Club has a total of 40 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Student Council

    Graduate Student Organization - Governance

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Graduate Student Council has a total of 85 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Graduate Student Life

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Graduate Student Life has a total of 1535 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Habitat for Humanity

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Service, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Habitat for Humanity has a total of 65 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Hillel

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Religious, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Hillel has a total of 495 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Hindu YUVA

    Graduate Student Organization - Religious


    Lifetime membership

  • Human Resources

    Campus Resources


    Human Resources has a total of 105 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Ice Hockey

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Inclusive Leadership Certificate Program (School of Business)

    Campus Resources - Professional, Academic, Special Interest

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Inclusive Leadership Certificate Program (School of Business) has a total of 65 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Indian Graduate Student Association

    Graduate Student Organization - Cultural


    Indian Graduate Student Association has a total of 189 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has a total of 440 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Interfraternity Council

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority, Recognized Student Organization, FSL Council

    Website Mission

    Contact: Ryan Gazzillo

    Interfraternity Council has a total of 20 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • International Student and Scholar Services

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Iranian Associations at Stevens

    Graduate Student Organization - Cultural

    Website Mission

    Iranian Associations at Stevens has a total of 172 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Japanese Student Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Japanese Student Association has a total of 413 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Kappa Sigma Fraternity

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Kappa Sigma Fraternity has a total of 420 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Khoda Senior Honor Society

    Undergraduate Honor Society - Special Interest

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Group password:

    Lifetime membership

  • Korean Student Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Joyce Sundo

    Korean Student Association has a total of 515 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. has a total of 320 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Lacrosse Club

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Incorporated

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Incorporated has a total of 545 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Incorporated

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Incorporated has a total of 85 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Latin American Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Latin American Association has a total of 560 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Leadership Labs

    Graduate Student Organization - Interprofessional


    Lifetime membership

  • Lore-El Center for Women's Leadership

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lore-El Center for Women's Leadership has a total of 140 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Master's Peer Mentorship

    Graduate Student Resources - Special Interest


    Master's Peer Mentorship has a total of 264 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Men's Club Volleyball

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports


    Lifetime membership

  • Middle Eastern Student Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Middle Eastern Student Association has a total of 100 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • MLK Week of Service

    Campus Resources - Service


    Contact: Liliana Delman

    MLK Week of Service has a total of 389 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Muslim Student Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Religious, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Nusiba Zaman

    Muslim Student Association has a total of 520 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • National Society of Black Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Awa Kah

    National Society of Black Engineers has a total of 305 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • New Graduate Students

    Campus Resources - Special Interest


    New Graduate Students has a total of 717 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Master's Peer Mentorship

    Graduate Student Resources - Special Interest


    Master's Peer Mentorship has a total of 264 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Newman Catholic

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Religious, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Newman Catholic has a total of 1256 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc.

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc. has a total of 55 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Off Center

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Arts & Music, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Off Center has a total of 350 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of Community Standards

    Campus Resources


    Contact: Stacy Fisher

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of Disability Services

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Office of Disability Services has a total of 20 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of International Programs

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Office of International Programs has a total of 245 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of Student Culture and Belonging

    Campus Resources - Special Interest, Religious, Cultural, Identity-Based, LGBTQ+

    Website Mission

    Office of Student Culture and Belonging has a total of 943 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • SCB
    Redirection arrow

    Lore-El Center for Women's Leadership

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Lore-El Center for Women's Leadership has a total of 140 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of Student Employment

    Campus Resources


    Lifetime membership

  • Office of Student Support

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Office of Student Support has a total of 244 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Office of Undergraduate Academics

    Academic Department - Academic


    Office of Undergraduate Academics has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has a total of 160 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Order of Omega

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Social Fraternity & Sorority, Recognized Student Organization, FSL Council

    Website Mission

    Order of Omega has a total of 70 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based, LGBTQ+

    Website Mission

    Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics has a total of 125 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Phi Beta Lambda

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Muskaan Thapar

    Phi Beta Lambda has a total of 30 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Phi Sigma Kappa - Iota Chapter

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Phi Sigma Kappa - Iota Chapter has a total of 205 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Phi Sigma Sigma

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Phi Sigma Sigma has a total of 590 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Pi Tau Sigma

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission

    Pi Tau Sigma has a total of 5 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Pickleball Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Recreational/Sports


    Pickleball Club has a total of 45 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Poetry Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Arts & Music, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Poetry Club has a total of 285 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Product Management Club at Stevens

    Graduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Ansh Yadav

    Product Management Club at Stevens has a total of 109 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • RedShift

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Media, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    RedShift has a total of 335 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Residence Hall Association

    Campus Resources - Special Interest


    Residence Hall Association has a total of 100 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Residential and Dining Services

    Campus Resources


    Residential and Dining Services has a total of 25 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Residential Education

    Campus Resources


    Residential Education has a total of 1832 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • RGB Photography Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Arts & Music, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    RGB Photography Club has a total of 65 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • ROTC

    Campus Resources - Special Interest


    Lifetime membership

  • S.C. Williams Library

    Campus Resources - Academic

    Website Mission

    S.C. Williams Library has a total of 207 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • School of Business

    Academic Department - Academic

    Website Mission

    School of Business has a total of 25 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

    Academic Department - Academic

    Website Mission

    School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences has a total of 301 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Senior Week 2025

    Undergraduate Student Resources


    Senior Week 2025 has a total of 9 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Delta Tau

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Sigma Delta Tau has a total of 870 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Nu Fraternity Inc.

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact our recruitment chair, Matt Vasquez
    P: (862) 260-1761

    Sigma Nu Fraternity Inc. has a total of 135 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Phi Epsilon New Jersey Alpha LC

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission

    Sigma Phi Epsilon New Jersey Alpha LC has a total of 285 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.

    Fraternity & Sorority Life - Cultural, Social Fraternity & Sorority

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc. has a total of 300 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • SITTV Campus Television

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Media, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    SITTV Campus Television has a total of 340 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Ski and Snowboard Club

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports


    Lifetime membership

  • Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Keerthika Mohan

    Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers has a total of 750 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Society of Automotive Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Academic, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Society of Automotive Engineers has a total of 3435 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Jair Velazquez

    Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers has a total of 855 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Alyson Zhang

    Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers has a total of 52 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Society of Physics Students

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Society of Physics Students has a total of 155 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Society of Women Engineers

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    Contact: Elizabeth Halton

    Society of Women Engineers has a total of 682 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Software Engineering Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Academic, Electronics & Gaming, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Software Engineering Club has a total of 96 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • South Asian Student Association

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Cultural, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission

    South Asian Student Association has a total of 200 points.

    (Ends at Graduation)

    Will end at Graduation

  • Stevens A Cappella

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Arts & Music, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Stevens A Cappella has a total of 780 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Career Center

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Chess Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Electronics & Gaming, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Stevens Chess Club has a total of 15 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Christian Fellowship

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Religious, Recognized Student Organization, Identity-Based

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Stevens Christian Fellowship has a total of 1790 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Christian Fellowship

    Graduate Student Organization - Religious


    Stevens Christian Fellowship has a total of 352 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Climbing and Mountaineering Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Recreational/Sports, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Ian Nevins

    Stevens Climbing and Mountaineering Club has a total of 415 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Club Soccer

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Computer Science Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Electronics & Gaming, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission Membership Benefits

    Contact: Anna Hauk

    Stevens Computer Science Club has a total of 335 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Consulting Group

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional


    Contact: Emily Johannan

    Stevens Consulting Group has a total of 155 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Creative Storytelling Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Special Interest

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Crew Team

    Undergraduate Club Sport - Recreational/Sports

    Website Mission

    Stevens Crew Team has a total of 48 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Cyber Defense Team

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Academic, Electronics & Gaming, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Stevens Cyber Defense Team has a total of 327 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Dining

    Campus Resources

    Website Mission

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Dramatic Society

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Arts & Music, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Stevens Dramatic Society has a total of 366 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Environmental Engineering Professional Society

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Service, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Stevens Environmental Engineering Professional Society has a total of 20 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Esports

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Recreational/Sports, Electronics & Gaming, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Contact: Dominic Matawa

    Stevens Esports has a total of 119 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Game Development Club

    Undergraduate Student Organization - Electronics & Gaming, Recognized Student Organization

    Website Mission

    Stevens Game Development Club has a total of 345 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Graduate Financial Association

    Graduate Student Organization - Academic


    Stevens Graduate Financial Association has a total of 216 points.

    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Graduate Soccer Club

    Graduate Student Organization - Recreational/Sports


    Lifetime membership

  • Stevens Graduate Technical Association

    Graduate Student Organization - Academic

    Website Mission

    Contact: Rohan Sharma

    Stevens Graduate Technical Association has a total of 55 points.

    Lifetime membership