Undergraduate Student Organization - Professional, Recognized Student Organization
Website Mission
Contact: Manavi Panjnani, Jose Martinez-Ponce
Mission Interested in building who you are as a professional? Interested in robotics, electronics, wireless communications, and other fields of electrical and computer engineering?Then come to Stevens IEEE where we explore those things as well as have a good time in the process! The IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is the largest professional organization worldwide and specializes in topics related to the electrical and computer engineering fields.At our student branch, we promote our global parent's mission to find and cultivate aspiring engineers by holding weekly meetings and events all focused on networking, electronics, and more! The best part? It's all fun and laid back! If you have any interest (no matter the major or the experience) come to our regular GBM's or contact us for more information!Participation in all student organizations at Stevens Institute of Technology is open to all students regardless of any characteristic protected by law, including race, color, national origin, sex/gender, gender identity, age, and/or disability.
Membership Benefits
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has a total of 480 points.
Lifetime membership