Family Day 2024: Flock Together
by Family Day
Check-in: UCC Tech Flex
1 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, NJ 07030, United States
Family Day 2024: Flock Together
Parents and families are invited to reconnect with their students on Saturday, October 19, 2024, for Stevens Family Day 2024: Flock Together. The event is an opportunity to spend time together on campus, learn more about various Stevens programs, and enjoy some entertainment. Check out the many sessions, enjoy lunch, and make fond memories at our annual family tradition! A detailed schedule will be available to all registrants in September.
Scheduled Activities:
- School Breakfasts
- President's Welcome & State of the University
- Open Houses
- Lunch and Festival
- Breakout Sessions Begin
- Sporting Events
- Performance by the Jazz Band
- Field Games
- Performance at the S.C.Williams Library
- Broadway Show: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, 7 pm
Dress Casual (jeans ok)
Food Provided
Hosted By
Dr. Leo Pedraza
Co-hosted with: Undergraduate Student Life, S.C. Williams Library, Charles V. Schaefer School of Engineering & Science, School of Business, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Contact the organizers